Stuart Pearce backs asbestos campaign

former football icon backs asbestos campaignFormer England Captain Stuart Pearce (MBE), once known on the turf as “Psycho” because of the fear he instilled into his football opponents, now admits that he is the one living in fear of a real silent killer.

Before his footballer days he was an electrician in the 1980’s and has now admitted that he could have been exposed many times to the deadly killer asbestos.  If he is right then he has a high probability of developing mesothelioma – the biggest killer in the workplace.

Asbestos kills 5000 workers each year and is more than the reported figure of people killed on the road. In 1968 there were only 168 recorded deaths due to mesothelioma.

The Health and Safety Executive now regulate the removal of asbestos and have worked hard to support training. The HSE still estimate that up to 1.2 million people are still at risk from the deadly condition. This figure includes workers from all work sectors to DIY enthusiasts working on home projects.

Before his huge success playing for England and clubs such as Newcastle, Coventry, Nottingham Forest and Manchester City, 52 year old Stuart spent four and a half years working as a self employed electrician.

Ignorant about the risks of Asbestos

Stuart Pearce is now coming to terms with the fact that he may of unwittingly been exposed to the material 30 years after his career as an electrician. To inhale just a few specks of the material can trigger incurable lung disease decades later.

Asbestos can still be found in ceilings, walls, even floor tiles and guttering – basically in any type of building built before 2000 – It can even be found in old ironing boards.

Asbestos can still be found in ceilings, walls, even floor tiles and guttering – basically in any type of building built before 2000

He is now backing an asbestos safety campaign by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) urging all tradespeople to be aware of asbestos and take sensible measures against the hidden killer.

As part of the campaign the HSE are encouraging all workers to use a free app that helps them easily identify where they could come into contact with the material and what to do if they believe they have come across it.

To get the free web app please visit

For more information on asbestos safety please visit

For more information on Asbestos Awareness Training please visit