Mandatory Training For Care Homes

Mandatory Training For Care Homes – The training and education of both care assistants and nurses are essential for delivering high-quality care, maintaining standards, and keeping staff motivated. Care homes treat vulnerable individuals, and the quality of care provided depends largely on the staff who work there, many of whom are care assistants. The Care Standards Act 2000 (standard 28) mandates three days of annual training for care home staff to ensure they are well-equipped to provide the best care possible.

Mandatory Training For Care Homes in Liverpool

Mandatory Training For Care Homes – the requirements

Annual mandatory training courses must include fire safety, moving and handling, and health and safety. There is also an expectation that every shift is covered by at least one person who has been trained in first aid. This can be a huge but necessary expectation of both the staff and the home.

Which Training Courses are Mandatory for Care Homes?

Mandatory Training For Care Homes – This is not a straightforward answer and ultimately the requirements will vary depending on the size of the Care Home, its services and outcome from its own risk assessment on site.

The common mandatory courses for a care home would be:

  • Health and Safety awareness training
  • Food Hygiene
  • Manual Handling or/and Moving and Handling of People
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults or Safeguarding Children
  • Infection Control
  • Emergency First Aid at Work 

This list could also include Mental Capacity Act training. Fire Safety training is not mentioned within this list as this would result, where required, from the organisations statutory Fire Risk Assessment.

These courses also reflect and address many of the Common Induction Framework objectives.

Professional registration and development requirements relates to Medicines Administration for Qualified Nurses and Supervision, Care Planning and Report Writing training.

The key is to enable staff to take part in learning and development that is relevant and appropriate so that they can carry out their role effectively.

The Care Quality Commission

Their job is to check whether hospitals, care homes, GPs, dentists and services registered with them are meeting national standards.

Their website also offers guidance on the requirements and you should refer to these to ensure you are monitoring your compliance to the required standards.

They do this by inspecting services and publishing their findings, helping people to make choices about the care they receive. To see more information on their requirements for training in the Care Home environment, please visit their website: The Care Quality Commission

Good standards of health and safety in the workplace do not happen of their own accord. Safe systems of work have to be devised and implemented, staff have to be trained and equipment needs to be purchased and maintained.

In other words, health and safety has to be managed as much as any other part of the business. High-performing companies recognise that managing health and safety is not only a legal duty but makes good economic sense.

For more information on our Mandatory Training For Care Homes offered by Liverpool Training Solutions and how we can help you find the right training courses for your business please email us. Or alternatively, call us on 0151 515 0416 and ask to speak with one of our training consultants.