First Aid Courses on the Wirral

We offer certified first-aid training courses to a diverse rangeocated in and around the Wirral area. First Aid is a crucial skill that can potentially save lives. Whether you require workplace training or personal training for everyday life, our services provide a broad spectrum of first aid courses that cater to the needs of most individuals. We deliver comprehensive training courses in first aid, resuscitation, and defibrillation to businesses in and around the Wirral area. of industries l

First Aid Courses on the Wirral delivered directly in your workplace

This First Aid Qualification is fully accredited and regulated by Ofqual. 

First Aid Courses delivered directly in your workplace

For more information on our first aid courses, please select from the links below:

First Aid Training delivered only by professional training consultants

Business owners have a legal and moral duty to provide adequate medical first aid on their premises.

We provide a full range of First Aid courses which meets the requirements of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), including Paediatric first aid training.

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations of 1981 state thatensure that their employees receive immediate attention if they become injured or sick while at work. employers must This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders and providing appropriate first aid training.

Why Choose Liverpool Training Solutions for your First Aid Training?

  • As a Registered Training Centre provider with Qualsafe Awards and Nuco Training, we adhere to strict external quality assurance regulated by Qualsafe. In addition to this, we maintain regular Internal Quality assurance observations for all our training consultants.
  • Our First Aid Courses are Ofqual regulated.
  • Our training consultants have a high level of occupational knowledge and competence to deliver first aid training – evidenced by holding a current first aid at work and/or medical qualification.
  • Our training consultants have the knowledge and competency in teaching and training first aid – evidenced by holding a nationally recognised teaching qualification.

    For further information on our First Aid Courses on the Wirral please email us. Or call us on 0151 515 0416 and ask to speak with one of our training consultants.